供應中 ... Guacamelee! Uppercut your way to ... 2 Complete. NT$759.00+. 包含的遊戲. Guacamelee! 2. 包含附加元件. Guacamelee! 2 - Three Enemigos Character PackGuacamelee!
Guacamelee! 2 is a Metroidvania platform video game developed and published by DrinkBox Studios. A sequel to Guacamelee!, the game was released for ...
評分 4.5 (2,490) Head back to the Mexiverse in this long-awaited sequel to the smash hit Guacamelee! Uppercut your way to victory across stunning new hand-crafted levels.
供應中 Luchador Juan Aguacate is out of retirement for a stunning new Metroidvania-style adventure. Explore a huge, hand-crafted world inspired by Mexican culture ...